Vital relationship
The Vital relationship (Aetolian ζωτική σχέση, zo̱tikí̱ schési̱; Kartvelian: არსებითი ურთიერთობა, arsebiti urtiertoba) is a phrase used to describe the necessary close political, diplomatic, cultural, economic, military and historical relations between Aetolia and Varkana.
Country comparison[edit | edit source]
History[edit | edit source]
Personal union[edit | edit source]
Military cooperation[edit | edit source]
Aetolia and Varkana have the oldest alliance in Adonia that is still in force.
August Revolution[edit | edit source]
Economic cooperation[edit | edit source]
Aristocratic communalism[edit | edit source]
Border cooperation[edit | edit source]
With their 270 kilometers of shared border following the course of the River, and both countries also share a 250 km maritime border across the Aetolian Sea, Varkana and Aetolia have an extensive framework of border cooperation enforced by the nations' respective coast guards and police forces.
Intelligence sharing[edit | edit source]
Monetary[edit | edit source]
Law[edit | edit source]
Sport[edit | edit source]
Personal relationships[edit | edit source]
Ochiauri and ?[edit | edit source]
"Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners. And necessity has made us allies. Those whom nature hath so joined together, let no human put asunder. We have come to the point of a vital relationship."